LCN and IEC agree to work together
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Lesotho Council of NGOs is poised to sign Memorandum of Understanding with the Independent Electoral Commission (IEC). With the MoU the two institutions agree to work together in promoting electoral education with a purpose of reversing the increasing rates of voter aparthy demonstrated by the decreasing number of people who turn out to cast vote in both general and by-elections in the country. LCN and IEC also agree to work hand in hand on enhancement of democracy, civic duty and responsibility as well as to encourage registration of voters in Lesotho.

In signing the MoU LCN and IEC have the responsibility that the correct content is communicated to the populace and in a manner that reflect objective and non partisan engagement and therefore would prevent and take decisive on any attempt to use electoral education activities to promote any certain political grouping.

Beyond the enhancement by participation of eligible voters in electoral and processes of governance lessons drawn and that informed the agreement on MoU include form the fact that both IEC and civil society organizations conduct voter education and civil education programmes at different capacity levels guided by the content designed independently and implemented without collaboration therefore resources were lost either by duplication or underutilization of available expertise and strategies in one institution by another!

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