LCN has over the years been the voice of the
civil society organizations when it comes to advocacy on
national policies. LCN considers a national budget as a vital
policy tool towards promoting economic growth and poverty
reduction. LCN believes that budget participate in the budget
cycle, that includes, budget analysis and tracking.
Budget is
one of the major policies of any institution from the household
to government level. At the household the budget is designed in
a manner that it finances the needs of all family members,
ranging from schools fees to acquisition of property, and in
that case, it is much easier to capture the needs of each
member, and decide timely, whereas in the case of government it
takes months or even years to establish a need. Thus the arising
role to the civil society organisations will be to ensure that
identified needs of the populace are integrated into the budget,
and that the government delivers, and it is accountable to its
This analysis is looking as to whether the budget
responds to the needs of the populace, does it address the
poverty trappings of the society.
Following presentation of the National Budget Speech in
Parliament on the 12th February 2010, members of LCN have
reviewed the budget with a view to assessing its ability to
deliver and support economic growth and development. In the
review, the key determinants were the ability of the government
to implement public policy and deliver effective public services
to the citizens, promote public participation and
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