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Global Fund Round 8 - Grants for HIV and AIDS Prevention Activities

1. Background
LCN is an umbrella organization for civil society organizations in Lesotho. It was established in 1990, with an objective to provide supportive services and coordination for civil society organizations in Lesotho. The Lesotho Council of NGOs (LCN) was nominated as a Principal Recipients (PR) for Civil Society and Private Sector for Global Fund Round 8 grant. LCN’s role as a PR is to manage funds as well as to act as a conduit for funding for civil society organizations and private sector, for activities aimed at contributing in the fight against HIV and AIDS according to National Strategic plan. LCN will also offer technical and programmatic support to both members and non -members who will qualify as either Sub- Recipients or implementing partners in the implementation of this grant. It is within this broad mandate that LCN is issuing grants on Community Level Prevention initiatives against the spread of HIV and AIDS.

The Global Fund Round 8 funding proposal was the product of extensive consultation during the proposal development process. Civil society organizations and private sector organizations shared their strengths and challenges and collectively proposed different strategies for improving local capacity and for positioning themselves in a more prominent leadership role within the multi-sectoral response to HIV & AIDS in Lesotho.

2. Information on the Prevention Activities
Lesotho has prioritized prevention in its efforts to address the challenges of HIV and AIDS. The strategy around prevention is multi-pronged. First the general aim is to reduce exposure to HIV, the probability of transmission and to change social norms, values and practices that prevent adoption of prevention behaviors. Second, grants are intended to strengthen comprehensive knowledge of HIV and AIDS among the key population to enable individuals to make informed choices and decisions.


Click here to download the full package

  © Lesotho Council of Non-Governmental Organizations - 2016   Web Master - Sesale Godfrey Masike