Resource Mobilization
Grants management programs at LCN are contingent on
effective resource mobilization campaigns.
Providing grants management programs from members and
partners is a strategic objective of LCN.
The Board and the Secretariat shall make all reasonable
efforts to obtain resources to support grants management
programs. Such efforts shall be guided by the strategic
plans of LCN and the needs of its members and partners.
Agreements for Grant Management Programs
The Board, with the assistance of the Executive Director,
shall be responsible for entering into appropriate
arrangements with donors for the provision of funds for
grants management programs.
Program Plans and Funding Priorities
The Board, with the assistance of the Secretariat, and in
consultation with members and partners, shall determine
overall priorities for grants management programs.
Program plans shall then be developed by the Secretariat in
consultation with the Board, the Commissions, partners and
other relevant stakeholders.
With respect to the Global Fund, the Global Fund Advisory
Committee shall be responsible for advising the Board and
the Secretariat on funding priorities.
Promotion of Grants Management Opportunities
The LCN Board, Secretariat Staff, the Global Fund Advisory
Committee, and LCN members and partners shall take an active
role in promoting grants management opportunities at LCN.
This will ensure that information is shared as widely and as
comprehensively as possible.
Calls for Proposals
Calls for Proposals, once approved, will be posted on the
LCN web-site and placed in at least two newspapers with
national circulation.
Calls for Proposals will also be posted on partner web-sites
and in other relevant locations to facilitate as wide a
distribution as possible.
Text messages, emails and other alerts will be sent to LCN
members and partners to notify them that a Call for
Proposals has been issued.
Calls for proposals shall:
- clearly describe the funding opportunity that is
- clearly indicate the required format for proposals
or direct potential applicants to where such information
can be found;
- clearly indicate the deadline for receipt of
proposals and how such proposals may be sent or
- provide contact details where further information or
support may be obtained; and,
- include the LCN logo.
Potential applicants shall usually be able to submit
proposals by email, facsimile, post, courier or in person.
These procedures shall apply, with appropriate amendments,
to requests for information, expressions of interest, or any
similar opportunity requiring the preparation of written
submissions for competitive evaluation from interested
Information Sessions & Proposal Development Workshops
When funds are available, LCN will arrange for information
sessions and/or proposal development workshops to assist
potential applicants to prepare successful submissions.
Receipt of Proposals at LCN
Proposals shall be received and stamped by the Grants
Management Unit. Proposals sent by email shall be printed,
including a copy of the date/time the email was transmitted
and received.
All proposals that are received shall be logged in a
Proposals received within five (5) days after the official
deadline shall be stamped and logged. These proposals shall
be kept separate from those that were received by the
official deadline.
Proposals received after five (5) days shall be returned
Preliminary Review for Compliance
The Grants Management Unit shall conduct a preliminary
review of all submissions (including late submissions) for
compliance with the terms and conditions of the Call for
The results of the review shall be recorded on a cover sheet
to be attached to each submission. Any deficiencies shall be
clearly indicated (including late submission where
Should the deficiencies be minor and, in the opinion of the
Grants Management Unit, likely to have resulted in minor
oversight on the part of the applicant, the Grants Manager
or designate may contact the applicant organization and
request that the deficiency be corrected within a maximum of
two (2) working days.
Proposed budgets that are part of submissions shall be
reviewed for compliance and reasonableness by the Finance &
Administration Unit.
Non-compliant and late submissions shall generally not be
recommended for further review unless there are compelling
circumstances for an exception to this rule. Such exceptions
must be clearly explained in the compliance report.
Notification of Award
The Grants Management Unit will prepare a Notification of
Award for all successful applicants. The Notification will
be signed by the Executive Director.
The text of the Notification will include the following:
- the name of the funding program and the recommended
amount of the funding award;
- a summary of standard terms and conditions for
receiving grants from LCN;
- a summary of any other relevant rules or conditions
that may be attached to particular funding programs;
- the requirements for organizational capacity
assessments or other relevant investigations; and,
- a statement that the award is provisional based on
the results of a capacity assessment and fulfilment of
any conditions precedent that LCN may require.
Successful applicants will be required to acknowledge the
notice in writing within five (5) days of its receipt.
Organizational Capacity Assessment
All first-time grant recipients will be required to undergo
an organizational capacity assessment conducted by the
Grants Management Unit. Repeated assessment of subsequent
grant recipients shall be done at the discretion of the
Grants Management Unit.
The assessment will follow a standard format to be developed
by the Grants Management Unit.
The results of the assessment will determine whether the
funding award can proceed or whether any remedial actions
are necessary to address capacity gaps prior to proceeding
with the award.
The remedial actions will be in the form of a capacity
building plan that sets out the interventions or trainings
that are required, target dates for completion and the
measures to be used to monitor improvement.
Grant Agreement Negotiations
Once the capacity assessment is complete, formal
negotiations to conclude a grant agreement will begin.
The aim of the negotiations is to arrive at a final project
description, budget, monitoring and evaluation plan, and
capacity-building plan. The negotiations will also clarify
the financial and administrative requirements for the grant.
Once a grant agreement is in its final form, it will be
reviewed by the Grants Manager and the Finance &
Administration Manager prior to submission to the Executive
Director. A cover page will be attached to the final version
of the agreement indicated that is has been appropriately
Preparation of First Disbursement
Once the grant agreement has been duly signed and executed,
the Finance & Administration Unit will prepare the first
disbursement according to the terms and conditions of
payment set out in the grant agreement.
Disbursements shall be subject to the accounting policy and
procedures set out the in Finance & Administration Manual of
Implementation Start
Grant recipients shall be encouraged to implement start-up
events or other activities to promote the funded activities
in their respective areas.
As time and resources allow, the Grants Management Unit and
other LCN staff, will assist grant recipients to develop
appropriate promotional plans and activities.
Where feasible, members of the Grants Management Unit,
and/or members of the LCN Board or Secretariat, shall
participate in promotional activities at the community
Monitoring & Evaluation Requirements
Grant agreements shall clearly state the monitoring and
evaluation requirements for each grant recipient.
All approved project plans shall have relevant indicators
and targets, a data collection plan, and a schedule for
report preparation and submission.
Indicators and targets for Global Fund grant recipients
shall be aligned with the approved Performance Framework.
To the greatest extent possible, monitoring and evaluation
plans shall be aligned with national M&E frameworks.
The M&E Officer, as time and resources allow, will provide
assistance to grant recipients to develop and implement
monitoring and evaluation plans.
Submission of Programmatic and Financial Reports
Grant agreements shall set out a schedule for submission of
programmatic and financial reports. Programmatic reports are
brief narrative descriptions of accomplishments and
challenges during the reporting period.
The Grants Management Unit will develop appropriate formats
for submission of programmatic reports. The Finance &
Administration Unit will develop formats for submission of
financial reports.
Formats and reporting requirements will reflect the guiding
principles of grants management at LCN.
Capacity Building Requirements
Grant agreements shall include detailed capacity building
plans utilizing the capacity-building resources provided by
LCN through the Grants Management Unit and those of the
capacity-building partners which LCN may from time to time
Participation in capacity-building programs will be
mandatory where these arrangements are specified in the
grant agreement.
Requests for Grant Agreement Amendments (including
Grant recipients shall send a request in writing to LCN to
modify the project implementation plan. This may include
altering specific activities or changing the implementation
Modification must be in line with the original objectives of
the project.
No amendment to an approved project proposal may be
implemented until written confirmation is issued by the
Grants Management Unit.
Grant recipients shall immediately notify LCN in writing of
any organizational changes that may affect the
implementation of approved projects.
Cooperation with Validation Requests and Site Visits
Grant recipients may from time to time be requested to
validate narrative or financial reports with additional
supporting documentation. Grant recipients may also be
requested to participate in site visits by LCN staff, CCM
members, LFA staff, Global Fund staff or others.
Grant recipients shall make all reasonable efforts to fully
comply with validation requests and site visit activities.
Conflict Management
Any conflicts that arise with respect to grant agreements or
project implementation plans will be settled by way of
amicable and constructive discussion between the parties
When necessary, the Executive Director may be called on to
intervene and resolve conflicts.
In exceptional cases, the Executive Director may appeal to
the Global Fund Advisory Committee or the Executive
Committee for assistance.
The decision of the Executive Director or the Executive
Committee shall be binding.
Addressing Poor Performance
LCN, through its Grants Management Unit, will take an
enabling approach to poor performance on the part of grant
recipients. This may include providing additional
capacity-building support, changing implementation
arrangements, facilitating partnerships for
capacity-building and skills transfer, or granting of
extensions for completion of project activities.
Notwithstanding these efforts, LCN shall take all necessary
measures to ensure that overall grant performance for the
Global Fund, or other donor funds, is not jeopardized by
poor performance on the part of individual grant recipients.
Grant Agreement Suspension
Where all other attempts to resolve conflicts and to address
poor performance have not been successful, the Grants
Manager may recommend that a grant agreement be suspended.
Suspension means that no further disbursements are made to
the grant recipient until issues of poor performance are
Grant agreement suspensions may be recommended in the
following circumstances:
- persistent failure to submit progress reports at the
required times;
- persistent failure to submit financial reports;
- improper accounting for funds received;
- making substantial changes to the project design
and/or the implementation schedule without prior
- persistent failure to implement the project as
described in the grant agreement;
- suspected misuse of funds.
A recommendation for suspension must be authorized by the
Executive Director before it takes effect. The
recommendation shall include a justification with
appropriate supporting evidence.
The suspension shall be issued for a period not exceeding
three months allowing sufficient time for LCN and the grant
recipient to investigate and resolve performance issues.
If there is no resolution once the period of suspension has
expired, the grant agreement shall automatically be
Grant recipients may appeal the suspension to the Global
Fund Advisory Committee.
The Committee will deal with the appeal at its next
regularly scheduled meeting. The Chair of the Committee may
call a special meeting at his or her discretion depending on
the circumstances of the case or at the recommendation of
other committee members or the Executive Director.
The Committee shall make a recommendation to the Executive
Director. The Executive Director shall endorse the
recommendation or substitute his or her own decision. In the
case of the latter, a written justification must be prepared
and forwarded to the Executive Committee for approval.
Grant Agreement Cancellation
Grant agreements shall automatically be cancelled by LCN for
any or all of the following reasons:
- use of funds for purposes other than those specified
in the grant agreement;
- commission of fraud or other criminal acts on the
part of the grant recipient;
- insolvency or dissolution of the grant recipient;
- failure to take appropriate remedial action during a
period of grant agreement suspension;
- inability on the part of the grant recipient to
carry out the funded project.
Grant recipients shall be notified in writing of the
cancellation of the agreement.
Grant agreements may also be cancelled at the request of
grant recipients. Such request shall be made in writing to
the Executive Director.
Upon cancellation, the following actions must occur:
- All funds must be accounted for up to the date of
cancellation and any unused funds immediately returned
to LCN.
- If necessary, staff from the Grants Management Unit
and the Finance & Administration Unit will visit the
grant recipient to attempt to recover unused funds.
- LCN shall write to the bank where the funds are
deposited to requested suspension of grant accounts.
- Equipment and remaining supplies purchased with
grant funds shall be accounted for and returned to LCN.
- Notice of grant agreement cancellation will be
posted on the LCN web-site.
Project Close
At the end of a funded project, the grant recipient will
within 30 days complete a programmatic and financial report
for submission to the Grants Management Unit.
The reports shall be made in a format to be determined by
the Grants Management Unit.
Grants Management Unit staff may visit the grant recipient
to verify information in the project report and to assist in
an overall assessment of the achievements of the project.
The project report shall include a list of all assets
purchased under the grant agreement. The Grants Management
Unit will work collaboratively with the grant recipient to
determine the final disposition of such assets.
Financial and programmatic records must be kept for a
minimum of three years following the end of the project.
Grant recipients shall work collaboratively with LCN during
any evaluation studies conducted either by LCN or by
external entities, including the LFA or other Global Fund
Grant Agreement Close
At the end of each funded project, once all reports have
been received, the Grants Management Unit and the Finance &
Administration Unit shall conduct a final audit of the grant
The audit report shall be in the form of a check-list
jointly developed by the Grants Management Unit and the
Finance & Administration Unit. The Grants Manager and the
Finance & Administration Manager shall sign the completed
check-list and present it to the Executive Director for
Significant performance or compliance issues shall be noted
and stored with the grant agreement. This information may be
taken into account when receiving further funding requests
from the grant recipient. |